After we got back from IN/KY, Robert and I (along with our good friends) went to San Fransisco. It was a blast. We went to SF because Rob won some concert tickets. So we all hung out together seeing the sights and the night of the concert Rob went with his friend, Adrian to the concert and then Stacie and I just hung out at the hotel and watch a movie.
We went to the beach and found a lot of sand dollars. Rob and I being goofy.

Me showing off our sand dollars. There were a lot in that one spot...Adrian and Stacie got a bunch.

We went to Union Square and did a little shopping, none of us bought anything but it was cool to see all the people. We also went to Chinatown.

Here is the yacht we are going to purchase one was huge!

We went to the Aquarium at the Pier.

I had a hard time touching the fish (but I touched the shark and the star fish).

One of the highlights of the whole trip was going to Alcatraz (sp). It was really neat. We walked around with this recorders and listened to some of the stories and things that happend on "The Rock."

You can see the three floors in the background of this photo.

Adrian and Stacie in one of the cells...Rob too.

"The Rock"

Rob and I at the Pier.

A sidewalk show, I thought it was pretty funny.

We went to Golden Gate Park and did the paddle boats. I felt bad because Adrian and Stacie ended up paddling more than half. I was also terrified the whole time because water just kept coming in (unless you were paddling backwards...go figure). It was really fun though.

Golden Gate Park.

We had so much fun. Thanks Julie for watching Brooke and letting us take this little vacation!
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