So the first part of October I "surprised" Rob with a trip for his 30th birthday to see his family. We had so much fun and hope to go back sometime in the next couple of years! I uploaded the photos in reverse order, so either scroll down or just start at the end!
Rob and Brooke waiting for Julie to pick us up at the airport. We left IN's 80 degree weather for SLC's 45 degree weather. The weekend we were gone it snowed in SL.
in front of the Batmobile (car #8) they used in the Batman Begin, Dark Night movies.
They made cookies and apple crisp. When you mention making cookies now Brooke says, "Grandma."
While they were making the apple crisp, Brooke would take a bite of an apple slice, say "delicious" and then add it to the pile and take a bite from another slice, it was adorable.
In Indy there is the best children's park. It had a few hiking trails, this pond, and two toy sets (one for bigger kids and one for smaller kids). Just look at those beautiful fall colors. It was gorgeous.

Brooke loved the swings.
We went to KY for the weekend of Rob's birthday. We were able to hang out with Rob's brothers and their families. We had a really great time.
Will sneaking out of bed to see what is going on.
Us singing "Happy Birthday" to Rob. Rob is pouting in this photo like Brooke does.
I took some other photos while we were in KY but I haven't gotten around to processing them yet. It is on my to-do list.
Brooke eating icecream after she made cookies.
Brooke and Grandpa B. Grandpa has these things called Trikke's and Rob and I got pretty darn good at them while we were there. It took me a while to get the hang of it but by the end I thought they were really fun.
Making cookies.

In IN Brooke and I both got our haircut. Beverlee's cousin/friend (so related to us also somehow) Jenna is an amazing hair stylist and cut/color my hair while we were there and I just love it.
Brooke and I all prettied up. Brooke got a sucker because she behaved so well, I didn't get a sucker?!

Brooke at Rob at the SLC Airport waiting for our plane to take us on our trip. Brooke was so great on the airplane and the flights both ways were really get, hardly any turbulance. We flew on an airline (no names mentioned) that charges for everything so we carried on all of our stuff). I didn't know that one of the bags could roll down the aisle of the airplane so on the first leg I ended up hitting some guy in first class about three times with my bags...he wasn't very happy with me (a woman in first class though was very nice and helped me get my bags through some of the seats)...too funny.
i feel so special to be on your blog. i am so glad you found my blog! you are so cute, i hope you guys come out again soon
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